Provincial Dreamers

Tajikistan, 2020
Duration: 116 min.
Genre: Fiction, Drama, Comedy
Production Company: Tajikfilm
Director: Rumi Shoazimov
Producer: Nosir Rahmon
Screeplay: Timur Zulfikarov, Rumi Shoazimov
Key Cast: Aslanshah Rakhmatullaev, Barokhat Shukurova, Rafoat Shoazimova, Azam Andambekov, Sherali Abdulkaisov

Yakhya Kurbanovich, the owner of a rickety old house and the Little Paradise barber’s on the outskirts of a perpetually dust-covered provincial town in Central Asia, and his wife, Fatima Khanum, dream of finding a husband for their daughter, who has four first names: Rukhshona, Zemfira, Dunya and Sara. Such is the wonderful time we live in, when we have to be ready for anything... political correctness... tolerance... and idealism...